Thursday, January 29, 2009

Practicing Prayer

Tonight was full of great discussion, lots of laughter, and just the right medicine to get us all through the week. (The carrot cake didn't hurt either!) I thought it might be good to recap a few of my take-aways from our discussion tonight on Paul's prayer for the Colossians. Here they are, in no particular order:

Be Quiet

I can't really "acknowledge God in all my ways" if I'm not still long enough to listen for His leading.

Be Attentive

Don't stress about remembering to pray for others. Rely on the Holy Spirit to prompt me how to pray and who to pray for.

Be Rightly Focused
Prayer is not about getting God to do something for me. It's more about getting MY mind rightly focused on the One who is the source of life itself. It's about letting go of my tendency to run ahead of God or, worse, to BE God!

Be at Rest
When I ask God for wisdom, or patience, or endurance, or whatever--I can trust in HIS strength at work in me to see those prayers realized. In the same way, praying for others is about entrusting them into God's capable hands and acknowledging Him as sufficient.

Be Aware
Ask God to show me where he is at work, and then prepare to be surprised.

How about you? Did you take away anything different?

1 comment:

  1. So, where did you go? Did you all get stuck in step one: "be quiet"?
    Yes, I'll admit, I was one of those lurking blog readers. But now I've come out of the closet to say that I miss you all... miss reading about what you're studying... and feeling just a little bit a part of it way over here in Portugal.
    So, please continue blogging!!
    Hugs to you all,
    Maureen Hurst
