Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Seeing Past the Dark Clouds

So today I was thinking about the economy a lot, which is kind of weird because I'm not much of a worrier. But this really doesn't look good. The news started out this week with a story about Citibank's execs purchasing a new jet with bailout funds. (Are they serious!?) And then there was more news of job layoffs. Today I heard a story about the Prime Minister of Iceland (Iceland!) stepping down because of unrest over their economy, which, of course, they blame on the U.S. You can't help but wonder, "Wow, are we going to make it out of this, or have things changed forever?"

I remember when Barry and I were so poor we could barely keep the electricity on. There were days when we'd look at each other and say, "For all we know, these could be 'the good old days.'"

I don't mean to depress anyone. I'm just trying to keep things in perspective, but the ultimate perspective for me is to remember that "kings and kingdoms" come and go, but my hope cannot rest in any of that. I heard a great sermon on the radio tonight about the Old Testament prophet Daniel. Daniel lived through four different kings and two empires, and he understood, perhaps because he lived through those reigns, that those kings were mortal and limited. But Daniel's God--our God--is neither. Good to remember in a week full of dark-cloud headlines.

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